With Steve getting the hang of the gas BBQ we decided to try something new last night. When we were staying with Nick & Ali they cooked up beer can chicken, it was delicious, so we decided to give it a try!
Armed with a recipe from the internet we made a rub for the chicken from rosemary, thyme, sage, chili seasoning (not hot), lime & cumin. I think there may have been corriander there too. Then we cut off the top of the beer can (actually we made 2 because of our numbers). Discarding half the beer down Steve we then added lime juice, olive oil & the same herbs as above to the can.
We stuck the can up the chicken's bottom & stuffed the neck with more herbs, as above. We placed ours in a roasting tin, although you can use just foil or even nothing if you're a purist (but that makes a mess of the grill!) The BBQ is lit around the chicken but not directly under it. We cooked on medium for 1.5 hours & had the most beautiful chicken we've ever cooked for dinner. I'm NEVER roasting in the oven again!! So if you want some you'll just have to come & get it!
New Karate Classes for you in 2012
13 years ago