Monday, 15 December 2008

Heritage Park in -39 degrees!

Yesterday we had tickets booked through Becky's work for breakfast at Heritage Park. The weather has taken a little turn for the worst as it was -39 with the wind chill. We decided to wrap up in very warm clothes and go anyway. We all enjoyed the breakfast and then had a quick look round the park and tried very hard not to loose any appendages through frost bite - we survived!! Here are some pictures.

Karate Christmas Party

Saturday we went to the Karate Christmas party. Becky and I had a great time with our new friends and we even got to sit on Santa's knee (well kind of!) to receive our Christmas present in the gift exchange. Becky got a T-Shirt which was from the 40th Anniversary of the Shotokan Karate Master Camp (Shame it was XL - :-)) and I got a magnetic poetry kit for the fridge. Our fridge is now plastered with some very interesting cliche's indeed. Speaking of plastered, click here for the picture evidence!

Monday, 8 December 2008

Wow! More snow

Yesterday it snowed all day. By the end of the day we had settled snow of around 7 inches. Sophie and I went tobogganing! Click here for a short video of Sophie.