Friday, 18 July 2008


We're getting boxes delivered to day for our grand pack next week or we should be! Stupid TNT driver tried to deliver to the wrong house in the wrong road so still waiting!!

Annoyingly Steve has to go to work on Monday (& no doubt Tuesday - I'll be lucky if we get 3 days together to pack) when he should be off! Unfortunately their server went down & that's got him miles & miles behind! Not entirely his fault but we really need to be able to crack on with this together, I'm NOT doing it alone!!!

No Work Permit in the post today :-( our buyers are pushing to exchange but we really don't want to until we have that elusive piece of paper!! Hopefully will be really soon.

Now we're turning our attentions to selling our cars. Someone at work might want one of them, I hope they do! We'll offer them through our karate mob too, would be much less hassle if we can sell to someone we know!

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